Stresslessness : noun (strɛslɪsnɪs) : living life free from stress

Most of the stress we experience is caused by thoughts about the situation we’re in, not the situation itself.

This may sound jarring or completely ridiculous, but it’s true.

Are you feeling stressed about work, worried about something that might happen - or find yourself waking up at 3am still thinking about an issue?

Your mind is trying to help protect you from danger, but most of the time these thoughts aren’t helping you at all. Often they’re causing you harm.

There is another way.

A life free from harmful stress is possible by using a few simple techniques, built on over 30 years of research and 3,000 peer reviewed studies from thought leading expets.

This research has been adapted into one simple process you can use to reduce stress and increase your performance.

It’s called Thought Management.

And all you need to do is learn how to drop the banana!


Drop the Banana

How to catch a monkey with a banana - and why it will help reduce your stress.

When hunters want to catch a monkey they put a banana, or some fruit seeds, into a hole. The entrance to the hole is only just wide enough for the monkey to get its hand in. The problem arises when the monkey grabs the banana, as it’s not wide enough to get the hand out holding the banana.

It’s trapped.

All it has to do to to release itself is to drop the banana.

But it doesn’t.

It thinks it needs to hold onto the banana and refuses to let go, and the hunter comes along to collect it. (Hint: It’s the monkey’s thoughts about the situation that are keeping its hand clenched, and itself trapped. It’s not the situation itself causing the problem as the hole is wide enough to get its hand out if it just drops the thought - and thus the banana).

So what’s that go to do with thoughts?

The same thing happens with stressful thoughts. We hold onto them thinking we need them, not realising that it’s trapping us and potentially causing us harm.

Maybe you’re thinking about an issue at work where you made a mistake. Or someone said something in a meeting and you’re still thinking about why they said it, hours later. Perhaps you’re worried about an upcoming presentation.

You hold onto the thought and the stress continues. The body releases harmful chemicals, and even though it’s trying to help you, it makes you feel worse. Whatever the thought, or thoughts - you are trapped with them in your mind all the time, not wanting - or able - to let go.

The monkey just needs to let go of the banana. You need to do the same with the unhelpful thoughts.

When you can learn to drop the banana (let go of the thought), you can live a life without stress - a state of Stresslessness.

If you want to learn how to drop the banana - and live a life without unwanted stress - you’re in the right place.

The Thought Management Window ©

The Thought Management Window

(Or ‘How to Drop the Banana’)

Stage 1 : Suffering: You’re holding onto your thoughts (the banana) and you don’t even realise you’re trapped, so you’re suffering.

Your unhelpful thoughts dictate your life. The trouble is, you’re completely attached & unaware of them, and the trouble they’re causing.

Stage 2: Struggling: You’re still holding onto your thoughts (🍌) but at least you’re aware that you’re trapped.

You’re struggling with your unhelpful thoughts and you’re aware they’re causing you stress, but you’re attached and can’t let go.

Stage 3: Freedom: You’ve dropped the banana! You’re aware and detached from your thoughts, and living life without the stress.

Stage 4: Flow: You’re completely free and in these moments, living your best life detached from thoughts. You’re in flow. Blissfully unaware of anything - completely at peace.

Are you even aware you’re trapped by the banana?

Suffering, Struggling, Freedom or Flow?

You can try the new ‘Thought Management Assessment’, which is a fun quiz that will give you an idea of what level of awareness and attachment to thoughts you have.

You can use your results to help identify where you are on the Thought Management window, which will then give you an indication on where to focus your efforts, to find freedom from your negative thoughts.

Thought Management Window