Step 3: Grounding - becoming aware and detached from unhelpful thoughts

  • Once you’ve been able to detach from your unhelpful thoughts, you’ll find you’re a big step closer to being a Present Leader. You’ll now be aware of your thoughts, and have the ability to detach from them.

  • After being able to notice and detach from your thoughts, you’ll find yourself more easily engaged with those around you, you’ll be calmer under pressure and be more present as a leader.

  • You won’t take things so seriously, and as a leader you’ll be able to get some perspective between you and the negative thoughts.

  • You’ll be more grounded, be in a better place to make stronger decisions, and you’ll be able to engage with people in a way that makes them feel special, whether you’re having a chat with one other person, or presenting to a large audience.

  • This is a great place to be, and you’ll now find yourself in step 3 of the Thought Management process. You’re a present leader, who will be able to practice what they’re doing in a way that ensures you stay present for as long as possible.

  • To become more grounded and learn techniques to improve your presence as a leader, subscribe to the mailing list below, and you will receive tips and a variety of approaches to develop these skills. Also check back to this site, as more content is being created every week.