Step 4: Finding your ‘Flow’

  • Have you ever been totally absorbed in doing something? When time seems to stand still, and you are completely immersed in whatever it is that you are engaged in. This can happen when you are completely detached from your thoughts, and so engaged in what you’re doing, that you’re not even aware of any new thoughts coming into your head.

  • Tiger Woods used to be in this state of ‘flow’ when he was playing major golf tournaments. He had practiced his technique so many times, that when he had a high pressure shot to take, he would be completely present in the moment, and almost surrender to the shot he was taking - without even thinking about it.

  • For others it may be leading a fitness class at the gym, and getting so immersed in the experience that you are completely engaged with everyone but not thinking about what you specifically need to do next, or any other thoughts for that matter.

  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi made this ‘flow’ popular in the mainstream with his amazing insights into how amazing things can be when we don’t think too hard about what we’re doing and instead let the passion and the results ‘flow’.

  • Being in flow can be an amazing experience where you will be leading from a special place of presence. may also find that once you have stepped away from your unhelpful thoughts and are now present with people around you, that you find a sense of freedom from your thought and emotions.

  • You will no longer be managed by your thoughts - instead you’ll be managing them. It will mean you’re less likely to take things personally when people don’t agree with you. You’ll be able to respond, instead of reacting to things that happen. You’ll be more focused on what’s happening ‘right now’, instead of thinking about all the different things that could go wrong, or worrying about things that have happened in the past.

  • To find your flow, make sure you subscribe to the mailing list below, and where I’ll share more ways to become present as a leader. It will also give you early access to the ‘Present Leader Playbook’ when it’s launched in 2022, and a heads up on new resources as they become available.